The 6 Steps To Emotional Mastery. Over the last month, Ive been re reading one of my favourite books, Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins. I still remember reading it when I was 1. Toronto for the first time. Micro Machines Torrent more. Things I Learned from Tony Robbins That Will Change Your Fitness Habits For. Mastery event I attended with Tony Robbins we. Getting The Body You Deserve With Anthony Robbins. Body program is all. Tony Robbins. A lot of people wonder whether the Tony Robbins firewalk is right for them. Emotional fitness toward resilience. About Tony. Tony Robbins is an. The book had a massive impact on my life, and so I thought itd be worthwhile to pick it up again and go through it. If you havent read it yet, do yourself a favor and read it it will have a profound affect on your life. In Awaken The Giant Within, Tony Robbins talks a lot about how to master your emotions and has outlined 6 Steps To Emotional Mastery. I found this section of the book invaluable, and thought itd be worthwhile sharing on this blog. Master your emotions, master your life. First, understand that the ONLY REASON anyone does anything is to change the way they feel. Tony Robbins Emotional Fitness Program' title='Tony Robbins Emotional Fitness Program' />If you want to make more money, lose weight, or buy a new item of clothing youre doing it because of what you think it will give you, which is a certain emotion. For example, you believe that by losing weight you will feel more confident. Or by attracting this type of person into your life, you will feel loved. Or, by making a million dollars, you will feel happy. Most people wait and put off the emotions they want to experience, instead of realizing the truth you are capable of feeling those emotions RIGHT NOWTony RobbinsTony Robbins Emotional Fitness ProgramWatch the video below CLICK HERE to watch on You. Tube. The Emotional Triad. There are three factors that determine what you feel, moment to moment. Tony Robbins and other psychologists calls it the Emotional Triad. Your Physiology. Every emotion you experience is first felt in your body. If you want to feel passionate, start by speaking more rapidly, moving more rapidly, and take on the physiology of passion. Tony Robbins 5 step ultimate success formula. Tony Robbins How To Change Your Emotional State. The same goes if you want to feel more confident stand tall, be grounded, breathe fully, speak loudly, etcIn the same way, if you want to feel depressed, its a matter if slumping over, looking at the ground, breathing shallowly, frown, and speak quietly. The way you use your body biochemically changes how you feel. One good phrase I always like to remember is Emotion is created by motion. What You Focus On. The next thing that determines how you feel is what you decide to focus on. Whats very interesting is that on the first day of the 30day program, Tony. Inspiration for Emotional Eaters from Anthony Robbins. Emotional fitness is your best armor. Learn how to become and remain emotionally fit, strengthening your resilience to all of lifes challenges. Tony Robbins has coached U. S. keep their heads together and develop what he calls emotional fitness. The Ultimate Edge and Personal Power CD programs. Awaken the Giant Within. The acknowledged expert in the psychology of change, Anthony Robbins provides a stepbystep program. Tony Robbins has. Internet Explorer 10 For Windows Xp Sp3'>Internet Explorer 10 For Windows Xp Sp3. Pages 544Author Anthony RobbinsFormat Paperbackhttp hIDSERP,5657. Anthony Tony Robbins Emotional Flood Exercise AwakenDuring the Toronto taping of Mastering the Art of Gratitude, Anthony Tony Robbins led the more than 8,500 members of the audience in his Emotional Flood exercise. Tony robbins emotional fitness. Tony Robbins talks a lot about being in state. And, full engagement is the energy state that best serves performance. To feel happy, focus on things in your life that will make you feel happy. Perhaps its asking questions like, What am I happy about in my life right now or even remembering happy moments from the past, like a fun birthday. Whatever you focus on, you feel. In the same way, to feel depressed you have to focus on things entirely differently. You need to be deleting all the good thats going on in any given moment, and focused on the negative. If you asked yourself, What really sucks in my life right now, Im sure youd be able to find something and end up feeling shitty. Or if I said, Remember a time when you felt depressed, like that time your dog died or something youd feel those emotions you felt. Whats wrong is always available, and so is whats right. Your Language. Your words and language patterns also change how you feel. If you say things like, I feel really tired or This is too hard, you will literally feel tired or that what youre trying to do is hard. It simply doesnt put you in an empowering state. All words have different emotional states associated to them. There are certain phrases you use that are disempowering, which will affect how you feel moment to moment. Being aware of your vocabulary, statements, phrases, and metaphors are crucial to controlling your state. The truth is, you can feel any emotion you want by DECIDING to feel it. Happiness is a choice. And so is depression, anger, frustration, or any other emotion. No one makes you feel happy or angry, its based on how youre interpreting each situation in your life and the meaning you associate to it. More on that later. Ways People Deal With Negative Emotion. One thing I found fascinating in Awaken The Giant Within, was the 4 ways that people deal with negative emotion. Avoidance. This is simply avoiding all situations that could potentially lead to a negative emotion. For example, people avoid taking risks or approaching that stranger because theyre trying to avoid the feeling of rejection or failure. Its also working not to feel negative emotions. For example, self medicating yourself with drugs, alcohol, or food. Or, many spend time watching TV or go on Facebook or use other forms of media as a way to self hypnotize themselves and escape. Denial. This is disassociating to the negative emotion by saying things like, Its not that bad. The only problem with this approach is that by ignoring the message, the emotion increases it intensifies until you finally pay attention. Competition. This is when the negative emotion becomes apart of your identity and a way for you to be unique. Its something that youre constantly telling others about, saying things like Think youve got it bad Wait until you hear my story4 Learning And Using. Ultimately, you want to LEARN from your negative emotions and find ways to use them. The first step to learn how to master your emotions is to understand that all emotions serve you. Your negative emotions are a call to action, also known as Action Signals as outlined in Awaken The Giant Within. When you change the meaning of negative emotions to Action Signals, then all of a sudden your emotions become your mentor, ally, and coach they guide you. The emotions you are feeling right now are a gift, a guideline, a support system, or a call to action. Your Action Signals are telling you that what youre currently doing is not working. The only reason you will feel a negative emotion is because either through the way youre perceiving things or the procedures youre using specifically, the way youre communicating your needs and desires to people, or the actions youre taking. And as I mentioned earlier with the Emotional Triad, your perceptions are controlled by your focus and the way you interpret the meaning of things. You can easily change your perception by changing your physiology or asking a better question, to change your focus, and thus how you feel. This is the key thing to remember YOU are the source of all your emotions, you are the one who creates them. You can feel any way you choose at any moment in time. Call Of Duty 4 Level 55 Hack Pc Over Wifi. You dont need a special reason to feel good, you can just decide to feel good right now, simply because youre alive, or because you want to. We want to make sure that we utilize our negative emotions, or Action Signals, to learn from them and feel the way we want to feel. The 6 Steps To Emotional Mastery. Im going to outline here the 6 Steps of Emotional Mastery from Awaken The Giant Within. Identify What Youre Really Feeling. When youre experiencing this negative emotion or Action Signal, ask yourself, What am I really feeling right nowGet clarity on the emotion. Am I feeling angry, or is it something else2 Acknowledge And Appreciate Your Emotions, Knowing They Support You. Be thankful they are sending you a message. Cultivate the feeling of appreciation for all your emotions. They are there to serve you. Get Curious About The Message This Emotion Is Offering You. Getting curious helps you master your emotion, solve the challenge, and prevent the same problem from occurring in the future.