Films. info button v 1. Vote for ice. Films. IE 6 lt link relstylesheet typetextcss mediascreen hrefhttp globolister. APEVALUATION_zps59761ec5.png' alt='How To Update Smart Bro Canopy Username' title='How To Update Smart Bro Canopy Username' />WDBJ Virginia Shooting Hoax Theories Debunked. Within minutes of news breaking that a young reporter and her cameraman were shot dead in Virginia, social media users were decrying the apparent tragedy a hoax Theyre Wrong. I dont say that out of hand. I watched Alison Parker, Adam Ward and interviewee Vicki Gardner stand within feet of the killer like everyone else, baffled that they never even saw him brandishing a gun. View the spoiler free version. Brisingr, or, The Seven Promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular is the third book in the Inheritance Cycle by. A belated New York Times obituary pays tribute to inventor Frances Gabe, who designed, built, and lived in the worlds only selfcleaning home. Gabe comes. Explaining why all of the hoax theories surrounding the WDBJ7 live shooting in Virginia dont stand up to scrutiny. The Roomba 900 Series offers a Clean Map Report, which maps your home as it vacuums, improving its movement and telling you how well it cleaned. But to get that map. A Court of Wings and Ruin has 77,034 ratings and 13,076 reviews. Cait A Page with a View said THIS BOOK TOTALLY WRECKED ME. In the best possible way. SecurityStudy. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Youre Not Down With Brother Obama 20 Black Celebs Who Have Republican Tendencies. However my immediate response to this anomaly wasnt to call it a Freemason Illuminati Media Hoax and begin mocking the apparent victims. It was to sit back, analyse the footage and wonder whether there are any reasonable explanations for the way the shooting went down. There are, and Im going to share them. You may find the following material graphic and insensitive. Reader discretion is advisedWhy Did They Not See The Shooter Theres several layers to this question, starting with the possibility that Parker and Gardner did see the shooter named as Vester Flanagan. Truthers who only deal with black and white will say that this means they were all acting. What they fail to consider is that despite seeing him at some point, it doesnt mean they saw his gun or understood his intentions. We can exclude Adam Ward from this question because he was busy panning his camera across the scenery below a standard establishing shot before settling on the two women talking. Lets get one thing straight, this was a live TV broadcast. Parker as a professional will have experienced the presence of bystanders during filming many times, her job is essentially to ignore them, especially if they are close enough to cause a distraction. There are no second takes in live TV. Her sole focus is her interview subject, not a man she would have no fathomable way of knowing was about to shoot her. If she recognized the man as Flanagan, thats even more reason to keep composure and ensure he doesnt ruin the broadcast. Ask yourself an honest question. How many times have you walked down a street, sat on a train, or been in a waiting room and completely ignored the person right next to you Sure, you know theyre there, but you may only glance at them a couple of times, regardless of how loud theyre sneezing or how frantically theyre rummaging through their bag. Humans are pretty good at zoning out their surroundings, especially when theyre focussed on a specific task. Ever played a video game and completely ignored somebody standing next to the TV To illustrate this directly, how many times have you seen a public news broadcast where people are darting all over the place, or even deliberately trying to be a nuisance, but the reporter remains focussed on their jobEvery time, because thats what they do. For a split second Parker spots shooter Flanagan. Whats tragic after analysing the footage from the shooters perspective is that there is a split second that Parker notices him, but this is before he pulls out the gun, and she immediately goes back to Gardner. By time the gun is out Gardner is being asked a question and is focussed on Parker. Her head is also turned away from Flanagan. Update Theres a lot of people online who are simply refusing to accept that the ladies didnt see the gun, but that is not an evidence based assessment. We have the video and we know for a fact that neither of them looked at any point after the gun was drawn. Like a horror film we can all scream hes behind you but sadly that doesnt change reality. Parker was obviously aware of Flanagans presence as noted, but not that he was armed with anything other than the cell phone camera he initially approached them with. Parker immediately begins asking Gardner a rather lengthy question after her brief glance at Flanagan. If she was distracted even a little bit her words would have slowed down and she would have been umming and ahhing. Experiment at home, try and recite a question to somebody while taking on board other stimuli. Its extremely difficult. She did not see the gunAfter this point Flanagan then lowers the weapon and moves back behind cameraman Ward, choosing to open fire when the women are in the TV cameras full view. Some may say this itself is suspicious, but we can already deduce that he was there to make an impact. If he wasnt, hed have killed Parker on the quiet. So ensuring this went out live simply fits the MO of a narcissistic killer. He also had his own camera to capture his crime That being said we dont know for sure what was going through his mind, he could have just as easily been panicking, stepping forward and then stepping back as he internally jostled with what he was about to do. Assuming theyre all actors because of these actions is to brush aside the complexities of human behaviour. So why did Parker and Gardner not see himParker definitely did, but it was only momentarily as the ladies were focussed on the task at hand. Its not like they would have been alert and looking out for a gunman that morning. Is The Shooters Hand White This is one of those you see what you want to see situations. As a white guy with peachy coloured skin, it doesnt seem like the hand in the shooters footage is Caucasian to me. Its certainly light, perhaps from a tanned white guy or Mexican, but the pigmentation is also 1. African American. Looking at Flanagans hands and general complexion in other images tells us all we need to know about this silly claim. And lets face it, if this was a set up to frame a black guy, the hoaxers would probably use a black guy Oh, like the black guy caught on the news camera for a split second Is The Shooter Wearing Black or Blue This is another one of those illogical and absolutist points that the truthers havent fully considered. It stems from comparing the blue sleeve we see from the shooters perspective to the brief clip of the shooter from the news cameras perspective, which is after hes started firing and is closer to the darker roofed area. In some versions of the clip and screencap the clothing looks very dark, close to black although not jet black, in others hes clearly wearing blue and theres nothing suspicious about it at all. We can logically conclude that this is just the contrast between the two cameras and the change in lighting, and the various differences in quality and format as the clips have made their way online. Its also worth noting that the blue shirt is unbuttoned with something darker underneath. To play devils advocate, why would they make all of these so called continuity errors if it was staged Theres No Blood, How Did She Run First of all this isnt a video game or a horror film, so dont expect blood to be squirting at the cameras. Unless theres an exit wound or an artery has been hit, its actually quite rare to see any kind of visible spray. WARNING CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK this video of a detainee shooting himself point blank in the head doesnt even create that much gore. Parker has turned within 2 seconds, so if she was hit somewhere on her left side, its quite possible we wouldnt see a thing. That being said we dont really know where Parker was hit or even if she was hit by those initial 3 bullets. They could have grazed her, they could have hit her where it wouldnt have immediately immobilized the body or caused massive exterior bleeding. Microsoft Security Essentials User Agreement Form. Just like hunted animals people do run when theyve been shot and their flight mode has kicked in.