I am still around and I am still adding links from time to time. Being in the mid of my master studies my sparetime, I can spend doing so, is greatly reduced compared to a few years back. However, especially those blogs you send per E Mail will definitly be enlisted here. I am not checking daily or weekly, but I do check. As for the tests. There were supposed to be tests for a new version of worldoftg. This project is shut down for now, because the IT responsible guy I was working with just stopped responding. I tried to build contact a few times over weeks and months, but got no answer. If you want to see how far we got, you can look here Note This site and the database are incomplete and wont show all blogs. If. there is a IT guy willing to help and complete this project, you are. The worlds greatest collection of TG containig sites. TG Comics Sites, TG Captions Sites, TG Webcomics, TG Movies, TG Youtube Channels, TG Linklists, TG Comic and. Google Groups allows you to create and participate in online forums and emailbased groups with a rich experience for community conversations. You get the same deal If you finish building and maintain. IT part, not the content, you get half the income of a. Road Rash 2009 Game. I am happy, that so many people visite and use this site. You are thousands a day. Thank you for that.