Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' title='Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' />Asslam O Alaikum Well Come to Iqra Tajweed ul Quran INTRODUCTION Iqra Tajweed ul Quran is an organization which accepts the responsibility of spreading. Full Time Alima Course. The Dars e Nizamicurriculum and the UK Academic Framework. The UK Further and Higher education systems is based on the levels defined by the Qualifications and Credit Framework QCF e. A level Level 3 and Degree Level 6. Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' title='Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' />Lisiten to Quran Recitation and Translation online in Arabic, Engligh, and Urdu. Quran Koran Learn quran online with tajweed by online quran tutor. Read Quran Koran education by best Quran learning and Quran teaching academy. Start Free Trial. OICs unique 5 years curriculum, based on the traditional 1. Century Dars e Nizami syllabus, is similarly mapped onto these attainment levels i. The first two years of the OIC programme Level 3 is externally accredited through students taking national GCSEA Levels exams in the qualifying subjects in addition to internally examined subjects focussed on the Shariah sciences. Our aim for the last 3 years of the curriculum is to seek validation as a Degree in Arabic Islamic TheologyLaw, through partnership with a University or the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education QAA. The pioneering nature of the OIC curriculum ensures that students obtain age appropriate skill levels as outlined in the QCF and will, InshaAllah, enable OIC students to graduate with a UK recognised degree qualification giving a modern touch to the classical Islamic learning. Educational Attainment Outputs. The aim of developing the novel curriculum is to enrich the Shariah sciences without diminishing the core output in the traditional Dars e Nizami subjects. RnNnxuGw4mBB31u_eXysmZDJjVLKoM_qFLHEscfUQnZ-0_BuaZCJkC-QoEmT5924Q=h900' alt='Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' title='Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' />This is achieved by integrating and interconnecting the subjects onto the UK academic framework. Table 1 shows how the 5 year Dars e Nizami program maps on the UK framework and Table 2 shows how advanced post graduate studies in the Sharia sciences could also be mapped onto the same framework. Table 1 Comparison of outputs from UK Darul Uloomsand Oldham Islamic College. Curriculum Year. UK Darul. UloomsTraditional qualificationsOICQualifications               Traditional with ADDITIONAL QualificationsQCFLevel. Year 1. NAA Level year 1Intermediary GCSEs Arabic, Maths English23. Year 2. NAA Level year 2Arabic, Religious Studies and Critical thinking. Year 3. Imam. Cert. HE Arabic and Islamic TheologyLawCertificate of Higher Education4. Year 4. NADip. HE Arabic and Islamic TheologyLawDiploma of Higher Education5. Year 5. Mawlanaexcluding 2 years of UrduBA HonsArabic and Islamic TheologyLaw Mawlana. Educational Attainment Outcomes. The expected levels of attainment for OICstudents are briefly summarised in Table 3. Since our emphasis is directed to the classical sources, there is an intense Arabic bias in the first two years. This enhances the learning experience for the students by increasing their ability to study the classical texts in Arabic, which is especially important for the deeper analytical studies of Quran and Hadith in the latter years of the course. Table 3 Outcomes of OIC Curriculum benchmarked against UK Qualifications QCF LevelsYear. Learning Outcomes. UK Qualification Level QCF1st Level 2 certificate in Arabic and Islamic LawTheology. GCSEs in Maths, English and Arabic. Memorisation of Juz. Amma as a minimum. Able to converse in Arabic. Islamic studies will entail Fard Ayn etc. Basic competency in Arabic Calligraphy. Good understanding of Tajweed and Qiraah. Level 3 certificate in Arabic and Islamic LawTheology. A levels in Arabic, Religious studies and Critical Thinking. Sound understanding of Arabic Grammar SarfNahw3       Memorisation of 2nd. Juz. 4       Ability to read classical text without aid. Level 3 understanding of Shariah subjects. Level 4 Cert. HE understanding of Arabic and Islamic Theology. Ijaza in Tajweed and Qiraah. Competency in Fiqh and role of Imamship. Good Understanding of the Principles of Islamic Sciences Fiqh, Hadith, Tafsir. Understanding and applications of different perspectives within Fiqh and other sciences. Level 6 BA Hons in Arabic and Islamic LawTheology. OIC students will have the equivalent of a degree level understanding in Arabic and Islamic LawTheology. Summary. We believe this innovative curriculum will lead to our intended outcome of producing graduates who will serve and bring benefit to the society InshaAllah. Through active community engagement process, as an integral part of student activities, OIC students will bring a wider understanding of Islam to the British public and help re address some of the negative images they see in the media. These students will have increased self confidence, through all their activities while also, and primarily,serving their Deen. Their knowledge and skills will not just be confined to books and specific disciplines but transferrableacross all spheres of life. Breakdown of subjects covered in the Curriculum. K1wliwrUw4g7EIkN8hfo0x5kfWcbnH_71pZAGFTcIe7SO6hsQp2-2k4FKK7BBPvt5I=h900' alt='Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' title='Tajweed Rules In Urdu Audio' />Tajweed Rules In Urdu AudioYear 1 Arabic Grammar 1 Ilm us Sarf etymology Ilm un Nahw SyntaxArabic Language 1 Madinah Arabic series GCSE Arabic. Fiqh 1 Islamic JurisprudenceUloom al Hadith 1. Seerah  A Level Islamic Studies 1. Quranic Studies Translation 1. Ulum al Tajweed 1. Tazkiyah Tarbiyyah 1. Arabic Calligraphy 1. Year 2 Arabic Grammar 2 Ilm us Sarf etymology Ilm un Nahw SyntaxArabic Language 2 Madinah Arabic series ASA level Arabic. Arabic Literature 1. My Favorite Reading Book is a new book which utilizes a simple and engaging method for teaching children the basics of reading and writing. Each letter of the. Learn Quran online Best provided by QTV Tutor Easy Online quran studies, learn quran courses online 247, Flexible timings, connect with QTVTutor. Quran Tajweed Qiraah 1. Tajweed Rules of The Quran, Book 1 to 3 by KareemaCzerepinski 2. Sharh alJazri, 3. Mufid alQari Usool AtTafsir 1. AlFawzulKabir, 2. Al. Fiqh 2. Usool Al Fiqh 1. Hadith 2. Aqeedah 1 Islamic BeliefsSeerah A Level Religious Studies 2. Quran Translation 2. Ulum al Tajweed 2. Mantiq A Level Critical Thinking 1. Arabic Calligraphy 2. Year 3 Arabic Grammar 3 Ilm un Nahw SyntaxArabic Literature 2. Fiqh 3. Usool al Fiqh 2. Uloom al Hadith 3. Usool al Hadith 1. Aqeedah 2 Islamic BeliefsIslamic History Tarikh al Khulafa 3. Tafsir 1. Usool al Tafsir 1. Al Mantiq 2. Balaagah 1. Year 4 Uloom al Hadith 4. Usool al Hadith 2. Usool al Tafsir 2. Uloom al Tafsir 2. Fiqh 4. Usool al Fiqh 3. Aqeedah 3. Tazkiyah 2. Islamic History 4. Ilm al Balagah. Faraid 1. Year 5 Kamil Dawra e Hadith DegreeUloom al Hadith 5. Usool al Hadith 3. Usool al Tafsir 3. Uloom al Tafsir 3. Fiqh 5. Usool al Fiqh 4. Tarikh Islamic History Islam in Europe. Books covered in the curriculum. An overview of the books studied during the 5 years programme are shown in Table 3. This is not an exhaustive list it is only intended to give an indication of the books that the students will study as part of their Dars e Nizami curriculum. Table 2 List of Books studied in different subject area. Quran. Tajweed Qiraah. Tajweed Rules of The Quran, Book 1 to 3 by Kareema. Czerepinski 2. Sharh al Jazri, 3. Mufid al Qari. Usool At Tafsir. Al Fawzul Kabir, 2. Al Tibyan fi Uloom al Quran, 3. Ittiqan, 4. Safwatu al Tafsir. Tafsir al Quran. Tafsir Jalalain, 2. Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 3. Tafsir Qurtubi, 4. Battle Chess Game Of Kings Full Version. Tafsir Baidawi, 5. Tafsir al Kashshaf. Hadith. Hadith. 1. Bulugul Maram, 2. Riyad us Saliheen, 3. Mishkatul. Masabeeh, 4. How To Fix Error 1723 Windows Installer Package Problem there. Bukhari, 5. Muslim, 6. Tirmizi, 7. Abu Dawood, 8. Nasaee, 9. Ibn Majah, 1. Kitab al Athar Lil Imam Muhammad, 1. Sharhu. Maani al Athar, 1. Muwatta Imam Muhammad, 1. Muwatta Imam Malik. Usool al Hadith. Muqaddimatu al Shaikh, 2. Taiseerul Mustalih al Hadith, 3. Sharh Nukhbat al Fikr, 4. Muqaddimat Ila al Sunan, 5. Tadween al Hadith, 6. Hujjiyyatu al Hadith, 7. Isnad wal Ruwat, 8. Asma al Rijal. Fiqh. Fiqh. 1. Nurul. Idah, 2. Quduri, 3. Sharh al Waqayah, 4. Kanz al Daqaiq, 5. Hidayah, 6. Siraji, 7. Fiqh al Hanafiyya wa adillatuhu, 8. Kitab al Fiqhi ala Madhahibi al Arbaa, 9. Fiqh al Sunnah, 1. Durru al Mukhtar, 1. Fathu al Qadeer. Usool Al Fiqh. Tasheel fi Usool al Fiqh, 2. Usool al Shashi, 3. Usool al Fiqh lil. Khallaf, 4. al Qawaeed al Fiqhiyyah, 5. Nurul Anwar, 6. Hussami, 7.