Hello and thanks for the great work Is drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea OK while breastfeeding Is it totally safe for my baby son 8 weeks old if I take it. Red-leaves-Japanese-book_m.jpg' alt='Red Leaf Action' title='Red Leaf Action' />Red Leaf ActionRed Leaf ActionRooibos Wikipedia. Rooibos Anglicised pronunciation ROY bos Afrikaans pronunciation ribs, meaning red bush scientific name. Aspalathus linearis is a broom like member of the Fabaceae family of plants growing in South Africas fynbos. The generic name comes from the plant Calicotome villosa, aspalathos in Greek, which has very similar growth and flowers to the rooibos plant. Red Leaf Action' title='Red Leaf Action' />The specific name linearis comes from the plants linear growing structure and needle like leaves. The leaves are used to make a herbal tea called rooibos or bush tea especially in Southern Africa or sometimes redbush tea especially in Great Britain. The product has been popular in Southern Africa for generations and is now consumed in many countries. It is sometimes spelled rooibosch in accordance with the old Dutch etymology. Production and processingedit. A rooibos infused liqueur and rooibos tea. Rooibos is usually grown in the Cederberg, a small mountainous area in the region of the Western Cape province of South Africa. Generally, the leaves are oxidised often termed fermentation in common tea processing terminology. This process produces the distinctive reddish brown colour of rooibos and enhances the flavour. Unoxidised green rooibos is also produced, but the more demanding production process for green rooibos similar to the method by which green tea is produced makes it more expensive than traditional rooibos. It carries a malty and slightly grassy flavour somewhat different from its red counterpart. Rooibos tea is commonly prepared in the same manner as black tea and milk and sugar are added to taste. Other methods include a slice of lemon and using honey instead of sugar to sweeten. It is also served as espresso, lattes, cappuccinos or iced tea. Chemical compositioneditAs a fresh leaf, rooibos has a high content of ascorbic acid vitamin C. Rooibos tea does not contain caffeine6 and has low tannin levels compared to black tea or green tea. Rooibos contains polyphenols, including flavanols, flavones, flavanones, dihydrochalcones,78aspalathin9 and nothofagin. The processed leaves and stems contain benzoic and cinnamic acids. GradingeditRooibos grades are largely related to the percentage needle or leaf to stem content in the mix. Windows 7 Pro Oa Hp. A higher leaf content results in a darker liquor, richer flavour and less dusty aftertaste. The high grade rooibos is exported and does not reach local markets, with major consumers being the EU, particularly Germany, where it is used in creating flavoured blends for loose leaf tea markets. Red Leaf Action' title='Red Leaf Action' />HistoryeditIn 1. Swedish naturalist Carl Thunberg noted, the country people made tea from a plant related to rooibos or redbush. Traditionally, the local people would climb the mountains and cut the fine, needle like leaves from wild rooibos plants. They then rolled the bunches of leaves into hessian bags and brought them down the steep slopes using donkeys. The leaves were then chopped with axes and bruised with hammers, before being left to dry in the sun. The Leaf Patient Sensor is a small, wireless, wearable medical device that monitors a patients position, movement and activity. The monitored data is utilized to. Stroke that rabbits foot, grab that fourleaf clover, fling that horseshoe and crank up the Stevie Wonder, because after a long winters wait our 2017 challenger. How to make a Leaf Crown This is a fantastic nature craft that you can make on the go. All you need is leaves Perfect Fall Craft for KidsDutch settlers to the Cape learned to drink rooibos tea as an alternative to black tea, an expensive commodity for the settlers who relied on supply ships from Europe. In 1. Benjamin Ginsberg ran a variety of experiments at Rondegat Farm, finally curing rooibos. He simulated the traditional Chinese method of making Keemun by fermenting the tea in barrels. The major hurdle in growing rooibos commercially was that farmers could not germinate the rooibos seeds. The seeds were hard to find and impossible to germinate commercially. In 1. District Surgeon and botanist Dr Pieter Le Fras Nortier1. Dr Nortier also saw the vast commercial potential the tea held for the region. Dr Nortier cultivated the first plants at Clanwilliam on his farm Eastside and on the farm Klein Kliphuis. The tiny seeds were very difficult to come by. Dr Nortier paid the local villagers 5 per matchbox of seeds collected. An aged Khoi woman found an unusual seed source having chanced upon ants dragging seed, she followed them back to their nest and, on breaking it open, found a granary. Dr. Nortiers research was ultimately successful and he subsequently showed all the local farmers how to germinate their own seeds. The secret lay in scarifying the seed pods. Dr Nortier placed a layer of seeds between two mill stones and ground away some of the seed pod wall. Thereafter the seeds were easily propagated. Over the next decade the price of seeds soared to an astounding 8. Today, the seed is gathered by special sifting processes. Dr Nortier is today accepted as the father of the rooibos tea industry. Thanks to his research, rooibos tea, originally just an indigenous drink, became an iconic national beverage and then a globalised commodity. Rooibos tea production is today the economic mainstay of the Clanwilliam district. In 1. 94. 8 The University of Stellenbosch awarded Dr Nortier an Honorary Doctorate D. Sc Agria in recognition for his valuable contribution to South African agriculture. US trademark controversyeditIn 1. Burke International registered the name Rooibos with the US Patent and Trademark Office, thus establishing a monopoly on the name in the United States at a time when it was virtually unknown there. When the plant later entered more widespread use, Burke demanded that companies either pay fees for use of the name, or cease its use. In 2. 00. 5, the American Herbal Products Association and a number of import companies succeeded in defeating the trademark through petitions and lawsuits after losing one of the cases, Burke surrendered the name to the public domain. Legal protection of the name rooiboseditThe South African Department of Trade and Industry issued final rules on 6 September 2. Aspalathus linearis plant. It also provides guidance and restrictions for how products which include Rooibos, and in what measures, should use the name rooibos in their branding. Threat from climate changeeditThe rooibos plant is endemic to a small part of the western coast of the Western Cape province of South Africa. It grows in a symbiotic relationship with local micro organisms and past attempts to grow it outside this area, in places as far afield as the United States, Australia and China, have all failed. Scientists speculate that climate change may threaten the future survival of the plant and the R6. March 2. 01. 7 rooibos industry. Some claim that increasing temperatures and decreasing rainfall may result in the extinction of the plant within the next century. See alsoeditReferenceseditAspalathus linearis Burm. R. Dahlgren. International Legume Database Information Service ILDIS. Retrieved 6 May 2. The Plant List.  Muofhe, M. L. Dakora, F. D. Nitrogen nutrition in nodulated field plants of the shrub tea legume Aspalathus linearis assessed using 1. N natural abundance. Plant and Soil. 2. A 1. 00. 45. 14. Standley, L Winterton, P Marnewick, JL Gelderblom, WC Joubert, E Britz, TJ January 2. Influence of processing stages on antimutagenic and antioxidant potentials of rooibos tea. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. PMID 1. 11. 70. 56. Rooibos tea cappuccino or latte Cape Point Press. Cape Point Press. Retrieved 2. 01. 7 0. Morton, Julia F. 1. Rooibos tea, aspalathus linearis, a caffeineless, low tannin beverage. Economic Botany. 3. BF0. 28. 58. 78. 0.