Trump Administration Calls For Lawsuit About His Businesses To Be Dismissed The Two Way NPR. President Donald Trump boards Air Force One before departing from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on June 9, 2. MD_-_Charles_County_Sheriff.jpg' alt='Maryland Corrections Patch' title='Maryland Corrections Patch' />Mandel NganAFPGetty Images. Mandel NganAFPGetty Images. President Donald Trump boards Air Force One before departing from Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on June 9, 2. Mandel NganAFPGetty Images. A nonprofit groups claim that President Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the U. S. Constitution should be dismissed because the plaintiffs have no standing to sue, according to a court filing by the Department of Justice. Those claims falter on threshold grounds no Plaintiff has alleged an injury that meets the standing requirement, the DOJ says in a document submitted in federal court. The administrations argument is a response to the lawsuit filed in January in the Southern District of New York by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. The suit claims Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause whenever foreign entities book rooms at the Trump D. C. hotel or lease Trump office space. The Emoluments Clause bars presidents from taking money from foreign governments. Use the dropdowns below andor enter a keyword in the search box to filter the results. CREW is asking the court to stop Trump from violating the Constitution by illegally receiving payments from foreign governments with ties to Trump business interests. The lawsuit states These violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause pose a grave threat to the United States and its citizens. As the Framers were aware, private financial interests can subtly sway even the most virtuous leaders, and entanglements between American officials and foreign powers could pose a creeping, insidious threat to the Republic. The suit cites numerous examples of how Trump personally stands to profit from doing business with companies linked to foreign governments. For example, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which is owned by the Chinese government, is a tenant at Trump Tower in New York, and its lease is due to expire during Trumps term, the suit says. That means the Chinese government would be in negotiations with the Trump Organization to renew the lease and it might agree to extremely favorable terms that, in effect, would be a financial gift to the president. CREW, which avers that the Presidents conduct is in conflict with its mission of preventing official corruption, has proffered only an abstract injury of the sort long held insufficient to confer standing, the administrations filing says. Its clear from the governments response that they dont believe anyone can go to court to stop the president from systematically violating the constitution. We heartily disagree and look forward to our day in court, CREWs Communications Director Jordan Libowitz says in a statement about the administrations motion. Fridays White House response is just one of many legal steps that would have to be taken before a court could decide the case. The next step will involve CREW responding to the administrations filing, and on it will go as it makes it way through the court. The CREW suit was filed by legal scholars and former White House ethics officials, including Richard Painter, ethics adviser to President George W. Maryland Corrections Patch' title='Maryland Corrections Patch' />Bush Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California, Irvine and Supreme Court litigator Deepak Gupta. Windows Xp Pro Pt-Br Iso'>Windows Xp Pro Pt-Br Iso. As a young U. S. Army soldier during World War II, Rollins Edwards knew better than to refuse an assignment. When officers led him and a dozen others into a. Baltimore area of Marylands pick your own farms and orchards for fruit, vegetables, pumpkins and more. The website also has canning freezing instructions, related. Results of the 2016 Digital States Survey indicate that the effort states are putting into innovation, collaboration and aligning their investments with citizens. How Digital is Your State Just as a school teacher roots for his students, the Center for Digital Government is hopeful every two years that each respondent to its Digital States Survey will astound with reports of their technological feats. Starship 11 Game'>Starship 11 Game. Maryland Corrections Patch' title='Maryland Corrections Patch' />Though a competition of sorts, the Digital States Survey is more a showcase of state governments collective technology portfolio. And the outlook suggested by the 2. No states received a D or F, and just eight states landed in the C grade range. A growing number of states fill out the top of the curve compared to surveys past 2. B or higher, and a whopping 1. A or A. The results of the 2. Digital States Survey are very encouraging, said Todd Sander, executive director of the Center for Digital Government, owned by e. Republic, which also is the parent company of Government Technology. We did not identify any state trending down with regard to their use of information and communication technology ICT. I think this reflects how critically important ICT has become to government service delivery, and the priority governors and legislators place on it as we continue to come out of recessionary times. More states received an A grade this year than ever before, and the effort states are putting into innovation, collaboration and making sure their investments are well aligned with the priorities of the people they serve has never been higher. States with a solid A grade this year are Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Utah and Virginia. Common trends among the A students were a strong focus on cybersecurity, shared services, cloud computing, IT staffing, budgeting and use of data. But even among the best, there were those who stretched ahead even further to demonstrate to rest of the nation what best practices look like. Programs that particularly impressed judges were Missouris public safety initiatives Virginias health and human services projects and Utahs leading edge efforts spanning transportation, citizen engagement, transparency, mobile government and social media. Judges cited Utahs transportation efforts as particularly impressive for both their impact and innovative use of technology. Late last year, the Utah Department of Transportation UDOT equipped its fleet of more than 5. GPS trackers. The public can access real time information about snowplows to better plan their trips, while an automated system lets the department know how the machines are functioning. Bellevue Gifted School Program. An Automated Traffic Signal Performance Metrics program and Web interface supplies both the department and the public with more than a dozen metrics indicating traffic flow throughout the state, which predicted that its intelligent transportation systems save more than 1. With transportation particularly, weve taken a very data driven approach and automation to almost all functions, said Utah Chief Technology Officer Dave Fletcher. Our Automated Traffic Signal Performance Metrics program enables us to do a lot of the timing functions a lot better, and one of the things we report on to the public is metrics like the percent of vehicles that are arriving on a green or red light, and how theyre moving and how the traffic is flowing, so weve been able to significantly reduce the number of stops at red lights over a period of time that thats been in effect. Weve also made that software available to other states, and I know at least close to a dozen states are using the software that was developed here in Utah. The states prolific success across not just transportation, but nearly all its state departments, was realized through years of commitment to technology technology is no longer icing on the cake in Utah, but the flour to which all other ingredients must cling. Its just grown over time, Fletcher explained. I think its now embedded in the culture, so our managers, our directors at the different departments and in the case of UDOT, the directors been with the state a long time and so hes grown up, so to speak, in a data driven environment where were always trying to innovate, and I think thats become built in to his approach to transportation. Missouri was also awarded an A grade, attributable to its emphasis on technology policy and projects. The crown jewel of the states efforts are its public safety and emergency management programs. Missouri Highway Patrols enhanced MO Automated Criminal History System fingerprint portal integrates with live scan fingerprint devices, cross references fingerprint searches with iris scans and photos, and replaces a legacy system that was more than 1. The new system can also connect with the FBIs record system so other states can use Missouris data. Other innovative projects include a multi state shared services offender management system, a new inmate banking system, three new administrative Web portals and an online continuing education system. The states outstanding performance in this area can be credited not only to leadership from Gov. Jay Nixons office, but also to a tech centric culture that runs throughout state departments, explained Missouri Acting CIO Richard Kliethermes. I think its the value of the partnership that we have with the highway patrol and their IT organization in that we are communicating, we are collaborating from the perspective of what can we assist with versus can they help us out, Kliethermes said. One example was a record management system RMS that the department of natural resources is soon to be using and is in the final stages of implementation but thats hosted on the highway patrols internal domain. So we utilize the contract mechanism that the highway patrol created to allow smaller agencies to join on the contract, and then they are actually hosting the RMS in their environment. From an officer safety, business process improvement standpoint, its a large accomplishment. Political leadership was cited as a critical factor in all of the top states in this years survey. Virginias A grade can be traced to Gov. Terry Mc. Auliffes mission to create a new Virginia economy. The states IT office supported that mission in a range of projects, from transportation and natural resources to education and public safety but perhaps most of all with a suite of enhancements in the commonwealths health and human services agencies. A new Medicaid Case Management System allowed for the retirement of a legacy mainframe system and has processed more than 9. October 2. 01. 4. Strong cross agency integration and data driven systems launched across behavioral health, aging and rehabilitation and learning management enable new operational possibilities for the state. The Virginia Hospital Alerting and Status System integrated with emergency management for the simplified transmission of emergency reports. The Virginia Department of Healths Web portal gives users an avenue to easily research health issues and connect with providers. A mobile app helps locals find healthy restaurants and farmers markets, while the formation of three city level coalitions supports the Department of Transportations mission to make the city safer for walkers, cyclers and motorists.