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T shirts during the rampage, and had been influenced by their music. As their first release after the massacre, the record was Mansons rebuttal to the accusations leveled against him and the group, and was described by the vocalist as a declaration of war. It was written in the singers former home in the Hollywood Hills and recorded in several undisclosed locations, including Death Valley and Laurel Canyon. His ambitions for Holy Wood initially included an eponymous film exploring its backstorya project which has since been abandoned and was modified into the as yet unreleased Holy Wood novel. The album was released to generally positive reviews. Several writers praised it as the bands finest work, and multiple publications ranked it as one of the best albums of 2. Printers-Apprentice.jpg' alt='Imprint Shadow Font' title='Imprint Shadow Font' />British rock magazine Kerrang In the US, Holy Wood was not as commercially successful as the bands preceding records, debuting at number 1. Billboard 2. 00. However, it became their most successful album internationally, debuting in the top twenty of numerous national charts. It was certified gold in several countries, including Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the UK. Three singles were released from the record Disposable Teens, The Fight Song and The Nobodies, and the band embarked on the worldwide Guns, God and Government Tour. In 2. 01. 0, Kerrang Mansons finest hour . Online Barcode Generator for almost all 1D and 2D barcode, UPC, EAN13, Code128, Code39, QR Code, DataMatrix, etc. A decade on, there has still not been as eloquent and savage a musical attack on the media and mainstream culture . It is still scathingly relevant and a credit to a man who refused to sit and take it, but instead come out swinging. Background and development. The two years share many similarities. Woodstock 9. 9 became an Altamont of its own. Columbine became the Manson murders of our generation. Things happened that couldve made me want to stop making music. Instead, I decided to come out and really punish everyone for daring to fuck with me. Ive got a big fight ahead of me on this one. And I want every bit of it. Marilyn Manson2In the late 1. Marilyn Manson and his eponymous band established themselves as a household name,3 and as one of the most controversial rock acts in music history. Their albums Antichrist Superstar 1. Mechanical Animals 1. Rock Is Dead Tour in 1. As their popularity increased, the confrontational nature of the groups music and imagery angered social conservatives. Numerous politicians lobbied to have their performances banned,6 citing false and exaggerated claims that they contained animal sacrifices, bestiality and rape. Their concerts were routinely picketed by religious advocates and parent groups, who asserted that their music had a corrupting influence on youth culture by inciting rape, murder, blasphemy and suicide. On April 2. Columbine High School students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot dead 1. In the aftermath of the school shooting, the band were widely reported to have influenced the killings 19 early media reports alleged that the shooters were fans, and were wearing the groups T shirts during the massacre. Although these claims were later proven to be false,1. Mansons music and imagery for inciting Harris and Klebold. Later reports revealed that the two were not fansand, in fact, had disliked the bands music. Despite this, Marilyn Manson as well as other bands and forms of entertainment, such as movies and video games were widely criticized by religious,2 political,1. Under mounting pressure in the days after Columbine, the group postponed their last five North American tour dates out of respect for the victims and their families. On April 2. 9, ten US senators led by Sam Brownback of Kansas sent a letter to Edgar Bronfman Jr. Seagram the owner of Interscope requesting a voluntary halt to his companys distribution to children of music that glorifies violence. The letter named Marilyn Manson for producing songs which eerily reflect the actions of Harris and Klebold. Later that day, the band canceled their remaining North American shows. Two days later, Manson published his response to these accusations in an op ed piece for Rolling Stone, titled Columbine Whose Fault Is It, where he castigated Americas gun culture, the political influence of the National Rifle Association, and the medias irresponsible coverage, which he said facilitated the placing of blame on a scapegoat, instead of debating more relevant societal issues. On May 4, a hearing on the marketing and distribution of violent content to minors by the television, music, film and video game industries was held by the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. The committee heard testimony from cultural observers such as William Bennett and the Archbishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, professors and mental health professionals. Speakers criticized the band, its label mate Nine Inch Nails, and the 1. The Matrix for their alleged contribution to a cultural environment enabling violence such as the Columbine shootings. The committee requested that the Federal Trade Commission and the United States Department of Justice investigate the entertainment industrys marketing practices to minors. After concluding the European and Japanese legs of their tour on August 8, the band withdrew from public view. The early development of Holy Wood coincided with Mansons three month seclusion at his home in the Hollywood Hills,2. Manson said the maelstrom made him re evaluate his career There was a bit of trepidation, in deciding Is it worth it Are people understanding what Im trying to say Am I even gonna be allowed to say it Because I definitely had every single door shut in my face . He told Alternative Press that he felt his safety was threatened to the point that he could be shot Mark David Chapman style. He began work on the album as a counterattack. Recording and production. Several of the tracks that appear on Holy Wood date back to 1. Antichrist Superstar,2. Manson, the bands vocalist, developed this material into more substantial compositions during a three month period of seclusion in his attic. Following this, the full band worked for a year on re writing and developing the material. Advantage And Disadvantage Of International Licensing Agreement. The record is the groups most collaborative effort to date all members contributed to the songwriting process. Most of the compositional work was done by Manson alongside guitarists Twiggy Ramirez and John 5. The vocalist contrasted his songwriting sessions between the two, calling sessions with the latter very focused, saying that most of their compositions would be completed before being taken to the rest of band for consideration. In contrast, his sessions with Ramirez were less demanding, and the pair frequently experimented with absinthe. Multilingual packaging Transformers Wiki. Multilingual packaging is essentially the standard way Transformers toys are available in countries outside the United States. Rather than producing packaging sporting texts in a single language for different countries, Hasbro saves money by putting texts in several different languages on the same packaging, which will then be released in all the target markets. There are a few exceptions, such as places like Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore or the Philippines, which traditionally get their toys in the same packaging that is available in the United States. Un emballage multilingue est essentiellement le format standard dans lequel les jouets Transformers sont disponibles dans les pays autres que les tats Unis. Plutt que de produire des emballages portant du texte dans une seule langue pour chaque pays, Hasbro conomise de largent en mettant des textes dans plusieurs langues diffrentes sur le mme emballage, qui sera alors envoy sur tous les marchs. Il y a quelques exceptions, telles que des endroits comme lAustralie, la Nouvelle Zlande, Hong Kong, la Malaisie, Singapour ou les Philippines, qui obtiennent traditionnellement leurs jouets dans le mme emballage que celui disponible aux tats Unis. El empaquetado multilinge es la forma comn en la que los juguetes Transformers estn disponibles en otros pases fuera de los Estados Unidos. En vez de hacer empaques con un lenguaje nico para cada regin, Hasbro ahorra dinero imprimiendo el texto en varios lenguajes diferentes en un mismo empaque, el cual a continuacin ser distribuido a todos los mercados objetivo. Existen algunas excepciones como Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Hong Kong, Malasia, Singapur o las Filipinas, que usualmente usan el mismo empaque que en los Estados Unidos. Mehrsprachige Verpackungen sind gewissermaen die bliche Form, in der Transformers Spielzeugfiguren in Lndern auerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten erhltlich sind. Statt fr verschiedene Lnder Verpackungen mit Texten in einer einzelnen Sprache herzustellen, spart Hasbro Geld, indem dieselbe Verpackung mit Texten in verschiedenen Sprachen bedruckt wird, die dann auf den jeweiligen nationalen Mrkten verffentlicht wird. Es gibt einige Ausnahmen, darunter Orte wie Australien, Neuseeland, Honkong, Malaysia, Singapur oder die Philippinen, an denen die Spielzeuge normalerweise in denselben Verpackungen erscheinen, die auch in den Vereinigten Staaten erhltlich sind. Le Confezioni multilingua sono essenzialmente il formato standard in cui i Transformers sono distribuiti fuori dagli Stati Uniti. Piuttosto che produrre confezioni in una sola lingua per paese, Hasbro risparmia inserendo testo in pi lingue differenti sulla stessa confezione, che verr distribuita in tutti i mercati. Ci sono alcune eccezioni, in posti come lAustralia, la Nuova Zelanda, Hong Kong, in Malesia, Singapore e nelle Filippine, che li vedono tradizionalmente distribuiti nella stessa confezione degli Stati Uniti. En flersprkig frpackning r standard sttet Transformers leksaker r tillgngliga i andra land utanfr USA. Istllet fr att producera frpackningar som har texter i ett enskilt sprk fr olika lnder, s sparar Hasbro pengar genom att stta texter i flera olika sprk p samma frpackning, som sedan blir slppt i alla mlmarknaderna. Det finns f undantag, som till exempel i platser som Australien, Nya Zeeland, Hong Kong, Malysia, Singapore eller Filipinerna, som traditionellt fr samma frpackning fr leksakerna som i USA. Paket Multibahasa adalah cara standar mainan Transformers untuk tersedia di negara selain Amerika Serikat. Daripada memaket satu pak mainan dengan satu bahasa untuk negara negara berbeda, Hasbro menghemat banyak uang dengan menempatkan teks multibahasa di paket yang sama, yang akan dirilis di semua pasar target. Pengecualian untuk beberapa negara seperti Australia, Selandia Baru, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapura, atau Filipina, yang mendapatkan paket yang sama seperti di Amerika Serikat. Vecasuate Flavosfeturl es lae des lo gacos de Transformers via aues ngarosoix cso. L vouya vecasuatos migre fetaflavaux ngaros endaropar, vezes Hasbro egalos leiya migre sflavosendaraux ngarosendaroparpr, viz su selasido zayo ngarosoix. Aui iteo esseux, liv Austrlia, Zelande Exo, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapra, y Filipina, viz cantasido gacos vecasuatelivoix viz aues Estados Fetesoissaux. Wielojzyczne opakowania s zasadniczo standardem dla zabawek Transformers dostpnych w innych krajach poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Przy produkcji opakowa daj oddzielny tekst dla kadego kraju, Hasbro oszczdza pienidze poprzez tworzenie tekstw w rnych jzykach w tym samym opakowaniu, ktre zostan nastpnie wydane na wszystkich rynkach docelowych. Jest kilka wyjtkw dla takich miejsc jak Australia, Nowa Zelandia, Hong Kong, Malezja, Singapur i Filipiny, ktre dostaj zabawki z opakowaniem takim jak w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Meertalige verpakkingen zijn in essentie de standaard methode van verkrijgbaarheid van Transformers speelgoed in landen buiten de Verenigde Staten. In plaats van meerdere verpakkingen te produceren met teksten in een enkele taal voor verschillende landen, bespaart Hasbro geld door teksten in verschillende talen op dezelfde verpakking te zetten, die dan weer verkrijgbaar worden gemaakt in alle doelmarkten. Er zijn een paar uitzonderingen voor regios zoals Australi, Nieuw Zeeland, Hong Kong, Maleisi, Singapore of de Filipijnen, welke nromaal gezien speelgoed krijgen in dezelfde verpakking als ook verkrijgbaar is in de Verenigde Staten. Viejezini pakiranje je u biti standardni nain Transformers igrake su dostupne u zemljama izvan Sjedinjenih Amerikih Drava. Umjesto proizvodnju ambalae sportske tekstove u jednom jeziku za razliite zemlje, Hasbro tedi novac stavljanjem tekstove u nekoliko razliitih jezika na istoj ambalai, koja e potom biti objavljen u svim ciljnim tritima. Postoji nekoliko izuzetaka, kao to su mjesta kao to su Australija, Novi Zeland, Hong Kong, Malezija, Singapur i Filipina, koji se tradicionalno dobiti svoje igrake u istoj ambalai koja je dostupna u SAD u. Multilingual packaging in the Americas. When the original Transformers toy line was introduced to the Canadian market in 1. English and French, using a smaller printing font to fit the Tech Specs and bios in both languages onto the packaging. Even the characters names required French translationsWith the launch of the Beast Wars toy line in 1. Hasbro introduced trilingual Transformers packaging, sporting texts in English, French and Spanish, for the Canadian and Latin American markets prior to that, Transformers toys had been distributed by various licensees in Latin America, such as IGA for Mexico, Antex for Argentina, HUDE, BASA, Abramowicz and Lynsa for Peru and Chile or Estrela for Brazil, with the packaging usually being entirely in Spanish or Portuguese, now also featuring abbreviated bios in addition to the already used smaller print. In addition, the toyline itself sported additional, alternative titles for the French Canadian and Latin American markets, Guerre Btes for the former and Guerra Bestias for the latter. However, at least the individual toys names no longer required translations into French the Mexican toys had always used the English names, while the other Latin American releases had been given random and oftentimes nonsensical new names.